Thursday, January 19, 2023

AWS Always Free Services ?

"In this tutorial, I have described some of the AWS services that are available under the "Always Free" category."

Here Is the AWS Always Free Service Official link (Click Here)

1) AWS DynamoDB: A NoSQL database service that supports key-value and document data structures.

  • 25 GB of storage
  • 25 units of write capacity
  • 25 units of read capacity
  • Enough to handle up to 200M requests per month.

2) AWS SNS: is a messaging service that allows you to send emails and messages to multiple subscribers.

  • 1 million free requests per month.
  • 100,000 HTTP/S Deliveries" refers to the number of messages that can be delivered via the HTTP and HTTPS protocols. This means that you can send up to 100,000 messages to endpoints that are accessible via HTTP and HTTPS (such as webhooks or APIs) per month without incurring any additional charges.
  • 1,000 Email Deliveries" refers to the number of messages that can be delivered via email. This means that you can send up to 1,000 messages to email addresses per month without incurring any additional charges.

3) AWS CloudFront is CDN service that can be used to distribute Web service content to end users with low latency and high transfer speeds.from a large number of edge locations around the world.

  • 1 TB of Data Transfer Out
  • 10,000,000 HTTP or HTTPS Requests
  • 2,000,000 CloudFront Function Invocations

4) AWS Simple Email Service (SES) is a service that allows you to send and receive email using a reliable and scalable email infrastructure.

  • 62,000 Outbound Messages per month to any recipient when you call Amazon SES from an Amazon EC2 instance directly or through AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
  • 1,000 Inbound Messages per month

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